Friday, February 20, 2009

My Mate Jacob

My mate Jacob the Bracco is still missing, it's been over 4 weeks now and despite extensive searching and publicity, he's still not home. Although I've never met Jacob in the flesh, I feel a certain kinship with him. He was born, literally, as I was found after 2 days being awol with Molly Spinone. My mum called his mum Kim to tell her that I'd been found just as Jacob was being born. His first puppy name was Buca, after me! Jacob, if you are tuned in to my wavelenth, please come home mate. I know it's great fun out there on your big adventure but it's much better being back with your family. You will be spoilt rotten I promise, and be able to get away with anything ... for a while at least.


Suzuki said...

Hi there. it's furry nice to meet you. I'm sorry to hear about your friend Jacob.
Stop by my blog sometime, I like to make new friends :)
Big licks to you

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

awwww how sad. i hope there will be some better news soon about Jacob????

i love Spinones! they are not common or known around here, i just love their looks and personality.
best wishes!