The First Camellia
Originally uploaded by spinoneuk
The first proper camellia flower is open in the garden
A photo a day for 365 days, we have hijacked Buca's blog to keep our photo diary.
The first proper camellia flower is open in the garden
Molly's Crufts1st prize card and rosette for winning the veteran bitch class yesterday.
Gundog day at Crufts. Molly (Sh Ch Inostricani Simoni Del Michiamo) was 1st in a large Veteran Bitch class. We had a lovely day and for once, the pictures and video I took today did not seem to suffer as much from the awful lighting at the NEC.
The swans return to the lake. 2 years ago they nested and stayed for many months. Sadly no cygnets survived. They returned last year and built 3 different nests but didn't lay any eggs.
Hudson spinone tries out his new bean bag, one of my purchases yesterday at Crufts. I think he likes it even though it is a bit difficult to get onto at first.
A day out at Crufts without a dog. This is the Italian Spinone Discover Dogs booth, beautifully decorated with pictures and information.
A harlequin ladybird landed on my desk. A quick transfer to a young coleus plant which gave a better background for this picture. A bit of research to identify it took me to this site. I wasn't aware of its invasion into Britain.
Let Digging Commenct. Alice, helped by others, starts digging a hole in the garden under the camellia. Baby bunnies may be the motivation for this.
Hudson spinone prepares to evict Alice from his sofa. She is pretending to be asleep.
Kingston Common, Ringwood. A beautiful day and the ponies seemed to be enjoying a bit of sun on their backs.
A night out with Nick and Carolyn eating great Thai food at the Star in Ringwood.
Another beautiful sunrise on Kingston Common. The plane trails add a bit of interest.
The first daffodil is in flower in the garden. It's the only one so far.
Bobby spots the Little Egret in the garden and prepares to stalk him. One step at a time but he's no match for the egret.
Hudson adopts one of his many sleeping positions. I know he's asleep because he is snoring.
Alice Spinone sits still long enough to have her photo taken. A rare moment.
Mister Blue Sky please tell us why you had to hide away for so long where did we go wrong? Hey there Mister blue we're so pleased to be with you look around see what you do, ev'rybody smiles at you
The Chill Garden. Another colourful stand at International Confex, ready to welcome weary visitors.
Crafty Arty Parties. I was working at International Confex, Earls Court today and couldn't resist this picture for today. So colourful and the staff were all dressed up and entering into the spirit of things.
Alice has been successfully evicted from her bed by Hudson so tries her luck elsewhere. A rose between two thorns. Spinone L-R Bobby, Alice, Molly.
Hudson tries out yet another sleeping position today. He has a hard life!
Here is the amaryllis in full flower today. See the photo I took on 9th February to see it in bud.
The little egret was back today and I was better prepared. Watched it for a while and managed to photgraph it in flight.
Not many people can have had this as a bird in their garden! A little egret came today and I just managed to get a picture through the window before it took off again.
I noticed the trees along the Victoria Embankment today were covered in spiky shells. Not a brilliant picture but a reminder to find out what they are.
Our tour moves north to Derbyshire where we stayed with Mabel and her family. She was very generous giving up her sofa to visitors. Typical spinone scene.
Joan's kitchen has a lino floor and Hudson still has a thing about shiny floors. We had to put down a few mats and towels so that he could go Island Hopping to get around. Here he is sitting on one of his islands looking very sorry for himself.
Hudson, Buca and Alice on tour, first stop Kirby Muxloe to stay with Joan for a couple of days.
My first attempt at a Dorset Apple Cake. It took double the time expected to cook but tasted great.
I bought an Amaryllis just before Christmas for £1 because it was already in flower. I didn't expect it to grow another flower stem and new buds. Bargain.
Hudson and Alice share the sofa today. Hudson is being amazingly well behaved considering Alice is in season.
A lovely walk in the New Forest with Gaynor and Penny. From left to right Alfie, Sid, Murphy, Ruby, Fraggle, Bobby, Kiri, Buca, Norman and Frank.
Spring Snowdrops. More signs of spring, the snowdrops are out in force now. They are amazingly tough to survive the cold winter and look so delicate when they appear
Signs of Spring. New buds are emerging on these primulas, a welcome splash of colour in the garden.
Spinone Footprints in the Frost. We had a heavy white frost last night and Buca has hot paws!
A very cold but sunny day, taken near the bench on Kingston Common looking across the lake. If you look closely you will see a heron just taking off. I only had a small compact camera with me so the heron isn't very clear unfortunately.
Buca features again .... and gets stuck again. Buca has a thing about narrow gaps.
A beautiful sunrise this morning over Kingston Common.
Worked in London today, a trip out at lunchtime to snap this sign over the railway line at Blackfriars Bridge.